Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 11:35 AM

to my dearest couzzin,Wawan!!
N u r sooooo lucky coz ur bdae falls on Valentine's Day seh....
14 Febuary is TODAY...
K..lah all d best to ur future...
And to those ppl celebrating Valentine's Day...
Hope ur date will go on smoothly & romanticly....
While I here...dont have any dates... Instead I have a 'date' wif werk...
Werk is now like my BF siak.... I so cant wait to start skool in April... But before April comes,I'll have to werk seh... Sian ahhh... But when come to think of d pay Im getting..I juz cant stop werking kan... If I got no money den how siak... Cannot live like tad seh.. I cant depend on my parents 24/7 kan...kan..kan...
I hope Momo is werking today...She's d one who is making me happy at werk all tis time... She's super friendly lah... N she said tad she's gonna miss me when I starting skooling & wont be coming to werk as often as before.... sweet rite she... Heart u many2 lah Momo....
Btw when I start skooling I've though of continue-ing werking but onli on Frday,Saturday & Sunday... Wat do u think..?? Izzit ok tak...?? Or should I juz concentrade on my studies & not werk anymore... But I need money lah... Hmmmm...hmmmm...shall think & decide later on it... :))))
N now Im like bloging almost everyday seh...I juz feel at peace when I start to blog..Its like all my burden on my shoulder is being lifted off...
Ohhh..ya..I so kinda regret wat I did yesterday... Oh shit...!! I should have plan out & consider on it 1st lah..!! Arrgghhh...!! Shall not do it again next month..!!
Random thoughs:
1) I miss HIM when he doesnt msg me.
2) I wanna start skooling ASAP.
3) Wat shall I buy next?
4) I wanna hangout wif myspacers GF.
5) I wanna meet no.19 although his taken already.
6) I wanna watch a soccer match tad has no.17 & no.19 playing.
7) Do I still like/love HIM?
8) I wanna go to Padang,Bukit Tinggi & Meninjau again!!
9) I need to save money!!
10) Can I not go to werk later.Sian ahh.Btw Im werking at 3pm later.
K..tads all..Chow-Chin-Chow... :)))