Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Thursday, March 08, 2007 @ 11:41 AM

Lake Toba is located in Indonesia...n its also in Sumatra... Wooooww... I dont know wat to say except for tad I hope they'll have a safe journey to n for d place... Praying for their safety for sure coz u can never know wat may happen to u d next day rite...?? So yea..Im kinda scared to tell u d truth..coz now Indonesia is being landed wif too many musibah... So really hope tad during their stay there..they'll have fun n will go n come back safely...
Ok..enough of tad...Ohhh..ya... At last I got to watched 'Danielle' yesterday nite...!! WeeeEEeee...~~

Woooww... Shiok lah d drama.. I wanna watch it again...
N It was d 1st time Im watching d drama...n guess wat..?? Tears were falling from my eyes..
Those tears juz started to fall when one of d group member had to leave d group as he's going to live wif his parents in Jakarta... Den all d members strated to cry also.. n I also started to have tears down my cheeks...
But still... Its a nice drama to watch...!! So must watch again..!! d way.. I some wat..some how..thought tad Dani(Ashri) looks a bit like Tomok New Boyz lah..from a certain angle...

K..tads totally random..
:) to go..Chow-Chin-Chow.. :))