Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 @ 9:27 PM
Like at last I CAN blog again...
I miss blogging 123456789-f**king-so-super-duper-much lor...
Oh well..Im not gonna waste my time to recall wat I did this pass few days... But Im juz gonna blog about yesterday & today itself..
Hmm...Yesterday I came to skool as per normal...But kan..kan..kan...I skip my OFA second lessson...
It was a bloodly hell of 2hrs siak..!! So yea I skip it..& when home to get ready..coz my sis & her friends together wif me r going to Mediacorp to catch Anugerah 2007...
So got ready & head down to Mediacorp...reached there ard 6.30pm...
And thankz to Fiza('wadever') & Aishah for waitting me at d bus stop hor.. I feel like a Princess lah.. Got people to fetch me...
N we al head down to B3..and had to wait for an hour before we could go into d theathe...Once we were in we find sits & settle down...and got ready to watch d performances...
As usual there were a few of guest artis there...And guess wat..??!! Asraf Sinclair,d one whom acted in Gol&Gincu drama/movie,was there together wif Syed Azmir,d 'R'-karat man...

So yea...all d performance from Group 2 were great...!! Especialy d guys..!! And of course Aliff did a superb good yesterday..
*two thumbs up*

And congrats to Group 1 contestant whom made it to d next round..and Hairi Yusof got in..!!
Pssssttt...I loike HIM..
((: after d performances we waited at d reception to take pic wif Asraf Sinclair..
Asraf Sinclair is super-duper-f**king-HOTness-nak-mampos lah... I was like looking 178923654 times at HIM...
And I took pic wif HIM..!!

But kan..d pic is of a BAD quality lah..coz I use my ohh-so-badget-Motorola Rocker-Handphone...
But I dont mind at all..coz I got to see d HOTstuff himself in person lah..
And den we head home..
Ohh yea...I juzt felt tad someone is being WTH siak..!! Setakat 'HAI' aje... Like pathetic seh... Or is it tad u guys having a low profile thingy going on..?? Merepek lah korang nie...
Watever it is I hope tad...tad someone wont act like i-dont-know you kinda face again siak.. Very irritating k... But I dont understand how d other half of u can understand it... She's like super understanding & keep on defending u.. Im like WTH siak wif tis gerl..!!
Maybe its true wat people say..'When u r in LOVE u'll understand each other d most than any other people'
And..if HE'S like tad den I think he is a two-face guy lor..Depan buat-macam-tak-kenal and den kat belakang buat sayang2 like tad.. WTH siak..??!! Merepek lah kan...
Ok lah..gtg...coz I've yet to memorised my script for tmr's roleplay..
Counting to 23 more days till I turn Sweet 17teen.. ((:
and I stiil want my bdae wishlists to come true..
*cheeky smile*
Chow-Chin-Chow... ((: