Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Thursday, September 20, 2007 @ 10:05 AM
At home doing nothing now except for watching alot and alot of movie on movieforumz. I've watched High School Musical 2,The Simpsons Movie,I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry and Im gonna watched Hairspray later on.Guess this 1 month of holiday is basically spend at home watching movie. At least I save my money by not going out.
The only time I go out of my house is to either sent and fetch Khai & Puteri to and form school or go to BPP to buy some stuff. Tads all. Well I dont mind either if I do go out or not. Because its the fasting month so there's actually nothing much for me to do outside there. Coz you see if I do go out also the only thing I do is to go and eat.
Well I guess for now I wont be going out to anywhere with my friends coz almost are dry now. Shall wait when they are not dry anymore.
Maybe I'll go out with Kak Juli to break fast together. We havent set a date yet. But I've told her that I wanna break fast with her coz Im sure she's gonna treat me.
Sat & Sun there's no way Im going out. Because Im working. So yea,after work I'll straight be going home.
Now its getting really bored.
But suddenly as Im blogging my mom switched on the radio and Aliff's song was being played on air. At first I though it was Anuar Zain's song but I was wrong and kinda shocked to hear that its Aliff's voice. He's got a great voice!
Ohh ya,I've added someone on msn awhile back ago. I guess its been a month or so. But till now I have not even talk/chat with him at all. Like pathetic rite?
I guess Im just to shy to talk/chat with him.
You see,to me his kinda like a hotstuff. And I guess he already has a GF so better dont disturb. But what make me wanna add him up on msn is because he sent me an e-mail before and have tag at my blog once. And I was curious to find out who he is. So I add him up and found out that he was that hotstuff.
So I never ever talk/chat with him at all. All I do is just to click on him & open the conversation box but not talk/chat with him at all. Not even anything!
I find it sooooo funny.
Im trying to get my courage together and say a 'HI!' to him but till now I havent gathered enough courage to do so. Maybe he's just too hot too handle.
And even if I do chat with him,Im sure I'll go blank. Because I've seen him face to face before. But I dont think he even notice me coz all I do is just admire him for far and even if we kinda near to each other all I'll do is to look away and pretend I never saw him.
Macam merepek gitu kan.
Ya,I know.
Hmmmm. Hope to get a nudge or a 'HI!' from him soon and I'll go head over heels.
Ok enough about him. Lets move on.
Anyway today is my GF Jo's 8teen birthday!

You are legally 18 already GF~!
You'll get your birthday present from me soon when school re-opens GF. And I'll pinch your cheeks again.
Chow-Chin-Chow. ((: