Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Monday, September 03, 2007 @ 10:40 AM
Sunday,02/09/2007I was working morning shift. After work I made myself to the Army Open House like again for the second time.
Nie lah name nye orang yg takde keje. Asyik nak pegi kat sane aje.
And..and..and..tad Cowok Begok of mine is now at Medan. He's there for work. I dont know what 'work' is He refering to. But who cares. Its His life,why should I even boder about. Anyway,thankz for telling me where u are. He's gonna be back on Wednesday.
Sometimes I wonder why am I still messaging with u? What's the point of u messaging me & I replying to all ur messages?
Didnt go to skool today coz there's nothing much going on also as exams are nearer teachers just basicaly just doing revision so might as well I just stay home and do my own revision.
In d afternoon Mom and Me head down to Sheng Siong at Ten Mile Juction to do some groceries shopping. After tad Dad came to fetch us together wif Puteri and before heading home we went to eat at d Foodcourt.
I ate Thosai Masala and it was super-yummy-delicious~!
And I guess tomorrow Im goming to skool just for OFA lesson coz on Wednesday there's gonna be an OFA exam. Our final OFA exam so I wanna do some revision in skool as my computer at home dont have Access.
Tads all I guess for now.
Chow-Chin-Chow. ((: