Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Saturday, October 27, 2007 @ 10:01 AM
Yesterday school was kinda of a disaster. Especially when it comes to forming groups to do our project. There will always be problems.Haizzzzzz~!
And to add it more worse,for this semester I have to do group projects for all of my 4 module. Be it POM,BCM,ETP or PIE...All of those modules there are projects to be done.
Tak leh angkat lor~!
If my group members can work together & come together to dicuss them Im fine with it. But that's not the case~!
Evertime when there's a dicussion/presentation to be done there will alwyas be 1/2 members not present. Reason being she was sick OR had to go to work OR just plain lazy to come to school OR was not interested to even do the project. There's just
too many reason for me to come out with.
And now my group is in a disaster state. But thanked god there's still Farah & Munirah in my group for POM,BCM & PIE. This two babes are the ones that can be worked with. Farah always wanting to be the best while Munirah is always there to do intensive research. And Im always there to just get the work going & just forget about those who are not interested in doing the project. The show still has to go on wherethe the whole team member is there or not. If not our project will be delayed for i-dont-know-how-many-129837465-days.
While for ETP. There's a mixture of boys & girls from different classes. I guess I can work with this peoples. Even if I cant then I'll have to just make it happened. At least there's Farah,Sham & Akhbar.
I love ETP the most because it should me a 2hours lesson but Mr Malcom always make it into a 30mins/1hour lesson. Which means that we get to go home early.
& During ETP,Farah always makes me laugh because of the 'Pulau Belakang Mati'.
Kekek kape?
So after school yesterday,both Munirah & Farah head to my house to watch 'Kayangan' & of couse to gossip2.
Hanging out with this babes is just so nice. We dont fight un-nessesary. We get along pretty good. We love to watch Indon movie which has Samuel Rizal acting on it. We love to lepak at each other house and watch VCDs. Basically I wont trade anything for them.
Sayang banget sama kamu berdua.
Ohh well that's how school life should be I guess.
Moving on,Im starting work today after 2 weeks of not working due to Hari Raya. And I have totally no mood to work at all~!
I just feel like quitting. But they have booked be till Chinese New Year to work for them. And I kinda gave them my word that I would surely work for them. But I dont think I can make it. The most I'll work till end of December or the faster is till end of November. But who knows right? Maybe I'll work till end of next year Febuary. We'll see how it goes.
Ok,that's all for now. I wanna eat my breakfast now.

Chow-Chin-Chow. =)