Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Sunday, November 18, 2007 @ 9:41 AM
Morning! Morning! Morning!=)
I woke up pretty early today. Before 9am I was out off my bed. & it was a Sunday.
Anyway I've got nothing much to blog about. But I just wanna kill some time before Suria Segar starts. & then Im off to take my shower.
& yesssssss,now Im soooooo-BUSUK.
My plans for today?
I dont have any plans for today. Guess I'll just stay and home only.
If only I have money then Im sure to go out & chill or even do some shopping. Ohh well I've to wait for HER to pay up. Talking about HER its been 3days since I msg HER. I guess she must be enjoying herself since last Friday was her birthday & I heard that she's going to Bintan for her Birthday celebration.
But nevermind tomorrow I'll msg HER again & again so that I can back my money soon. Its been more than a month k girl~! I want what u owe me~!
& please dont come up with silly-stupid excuses again and again. I had enough of it~! & dont tell me that you have not received your pay~! Or izzit because you've spend it on your 'high-mantainance food & stuff'. Ohh well whatever it is just remember that you owe me money & please pay up ASAP lah bitch~!

Ohh ya I heard that last time someone borrowed from u some money which was like 5times the amount u owe me. & you make a fuss over it. Come on its only so little amount that person borrow from you. Look at yourself now, you borrowed way more than that & till now you've not paid me. U said you wanted to pay in installment and I agreeded. But till now you only paid me a pathetic $5. So now let me make a fuss over what you owe me to everyone k~!
At last I've rant out that I wanted to about HER.
I feel relieve for now. But I guess tomorrow will be another day where by I'll go to my GFs and ask them to help me out on how Im suppose to get my money back from HER. GFs ask me to call HER & ask for the money. But Im sure she wont dare to pick up my calls. BITCH~!
Well,we see how it goes tomorrow. Who knows maybe tomorrow she has the money to pay me back since she just had her birthday & Im sure HER parents were to give her some money as a present. Anyway she's not in the low family income. As far as I know HER family is fairly well-to-do. & she's off to MDIS to study. So that explains it.
Haizzzzzzz. Enough about HER.

K..k..k..that's all for now. Im off to watch Suria Segar.
Chow-Chin-Chow. =)