You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Mum woke me up when Ungu perform. They perform Kekasip Gelapku. Ohhhh-boy was Pasha Hottttttt or what?
& then I found myself sleeping again. Mum woke me up to ask me to sleep at my own room. But instead I saw the computer being on and no one using it. Therefore I went ahead and when online.
Anyway I wanna blog about my trip to Botanic Garden And to Ben & Jerry @ Dempsey Road.
We had to report to Botanic Garden at 9am. So I meet up with Seri,Wendy & Purpur at Bukit Panjang Interchange. We took bus 75. On our way there,Seri simply had so many things to chat. Im glad that she & her BF are just fine now.
I called up IrahChine as I didnt know where the meet up point was. As I was waitting at the traffic light,I saw a big group of student at the oppisite of the traffic light. & there they were. One whole big group.
We went in together and looked for Miss Lee. Then we went to the coffee shop to have a light breakfast.
& then we proceed to do our report survey in the Botanic Garden itself. We were suppose to find places of interest for tourist to visit while they are in the garden. We got the map to Botanic Garden and began to walk into the garden. & before long we found ourselve at the other end of the garden which was at the Bukit Timah exit.

Therefore,we just decided to go out thru that exit. IrahChine,FarahDiva and I decided to head down to this really cool Ben & Jerrry @ Dempsey Road. So we took a cab. And Sharona tag along. So we could'nt have our counselling time.

Anyways,Ben & Jerry @ Dempsey Road is effing-cool-gerek-to-the-max-nak-mampossssssss place to chill. Im so loving it. Lets go there again GFs!
After that we proceed home & went on our separate ways.
For more pictures please head down to My Multiply: =)
Chow-Chin-Chow. =)