Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 11:41 PM

The Crush
My secondary school crush is now schooling at the same school as me. Heh! :D He just enrolled last April.
We never made any eye-contact or even say 'Hi' to each other before in school. Althought we both know that we exist. Funny aite? We just took glance of each other. LOL! :D
But I happened to know two of his friends whom he usually sit and go around with in school. One of them is by the name of Akif which happened to be my sister's friend so obviously I know him. And the other is Weena who was a senior back in my secondary school. But now I'm their senior in ITE. Heh!
Just the other day in school,I was going to take the lift down to the canteen and his clan was going out from the same lift & Weena just said,'Hi,Shikin'. I just replied with a smile. =) As I could not remembered her name at that time. Heh! But now I remembered her name already. The whole clan looked at me with this one kind of face. Ouhh well~
Anyway, I'm hoping that when school re-opens later next year and I happened to bumb into this crush of mine, I would really like to say,'Hi' to him. LOL! :D
The end.
Mare,Melissa Aragon

I miss this putang-ina Melissa alot alot alot alot alot alot! She's back in the Philippines. She's missing Singy like soooooooooooooooooooooooo much and wants to work here after she graduates next year in October. Which is still a long way to go. Haiz.
Guess what mare? I can't wait to see you again and spend time together again. Let's party again with the rest like old times. Heh! It's so B-O-R-I-N-G without you here, mare!
And if I've managed to save enough money, I'll surely be flying there to visit you, mare! Promise! =)
*mare means sayang.
The end.
Picnic with 3 Ladies + 3 Guys

Who are the 3 guys then? Geng, geng, geng! BOO! :p
Farah and I are planing for a picnic next week as Jo and I can't make it for this wenesday.
Are we still going for the Flower theme,Farah? LOL! :D
So Botanic Garden and then Ice-cream date again? Sounds so YIPEE-YIPEE-YEAH-YEAH. LOL! :D
The end.

I want to go up to Cameron Highlands and eat fresh strawberries instead. I don't want to go up to Genting and take all those ride which confirm will make be giddy and vomit. Heh!
I'm still determine to go down to KL after the Muzika Extravagansa trip in Pahang although Fiza maybe can't make it. Hmmm.
The end.
OK, this is VERY the random post ever!