Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 @ 5:11 PM
I'll skip the school part today.Now Im feeling super-duper down. I should'nt feel down at all. NOT AT ALL~!. But I guess I've kinda like that person already.

Ohh well at the end of the day pretty girls always get what they want & wins the battle. While those not pretty,like ME, will always lose without even fighting the battle.
That's so human I guess. & I cant changed a thing about it. All I can do is just to sit back and relax & just go with the flow.
Maybe,just maybe a miracle could happened. & I'll be the most happiest girl in town.
But I guessed I should have known better that to do such silly stuff. I guess that's just it.
Chow-Chin-Chow. =(