Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007 @ 9:00 AM
Yesterday school ended pretty early. It ended at 11am or should I say I was the one whom ended the class early.Heheh.
School was supposed to end at 3pm but since both of my BCM & POM teachers are not in school might as well I go home early.
When home got changed & went out. Mom & I sent Puteri to school first before going to nenek's house to see if there's anything to be done for my uncle's wedding this weekend.
Reached nenek's hse & nenek was busy making tapai. & so being the good grandchild I went to give my helping hands by cleaning & wipeing the cointainer. Few moments later Wak Ti came followed by Bik Sabaria. We were wall busy in the kitchen doing our own stuff & at the same time the makciks were busy chit-chating.
Kecoh sekejap rumah nenek with the laughter of all of us especially when Bik
Sabaria teased nenek & atok.
Then Liza came as well after her school ended. She also ended her class early.
2x5 lah kite nie kan.
After we were done helping,we sat in the living room & exchanged songs thru our hps. & yesssssss,my hp contain wayx100 more songs than yours~!
& most of my songs are sedap2 kan..kan..kan..?
Then Liza decided to cut her hair,at first she just wanted to trim it abit. & when I ask her to cut like Victoria/Rihanna hairstyle she was in doubt. She was afaid it it would not turn out nice. But I persuade her & kept telling her that she's going to look way better than now. so said YES!
So we went to the nearest salon at Teck Whye together with Bik Sabaria. She accompany us there so that she can give advise if there's anything wrong with anything.
When to one of the salon & Liza ask if her hair could be cut like Vctoria/Rihanna hairstyle. & the hairdresser said that her hair cant be cut that way because she had redorn her hair in Aug and now her orginal hair has grown and it seems wavey. So it cant be done unless she wants to reborn her hair first lor.
To make the story short,she went to 2 salons just to get her hair done nicely & pretty.
Ohh ya..while we were at the second salon. That 'Private No. Guy' called me again for the-i-dont-know-how-many-bloddy-times! But this time I tried my best to be nice to him & I really mean nice ok! I never hang up the phone like I always do. All I did was to try to figure out from where on earth that 'Private No. Guy' got my hp number from. & his reply was that he got my number from his camp. He press the redail button from his camp's phone and pop it got connected thru my hp. Like WTH kan?! Of course I didnt belive at all! But he kept saiyng Sumpah! So I just said yea aje lor. Asal kau bahagia lah ehk 'Private No. Guy'.
I asked him what was his name. If Im not wrong his name was Dafi. I could not hear him propely & I could'nt be boder to ask him again. His age is 20yrs old.
He ask for my age. I said 17 and he said that Im too young. Like WTH kan?! I know lah that you are OLDER than me.
He also ask where I lived. I said Singapore followed by West side followed by an area named Bukit. & He kept guessing till he got it. Begok jugak lah 'Private No. Guy' nie.
He asked for my friendster & MSN add. So I just gave it. If he wants to be friend Im fine with it.
But I guess he just wants to check out how I look like. If Im pretty like Hotstuff of course he would want to continue contacting with me but if Im not pretty like Hotstuff confirm 100% he just dissapear in the thin end.
& I can confrim that after this confirm 100% no more 'Private No. Guy' calling me again.
Guys are so predictable!
Yeah that's it. Ok enough about that 'Private No. Guy'.
Anyway today Im not coming to school since Im having a very bad flu & fever might as well I stick at home. & maybe in the afternoon I'll go out with Liza to accompany her reborn her hair. We'll see how it goes.
Ohh ya..I though of perming my hair when I get my pay. & I guess I should be getting my pay either today or tomorrow.
& lastly I wanna wish my myspace babe,

Chow-Chin-Chow. =)