Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Thursday, January 15, 2009 @ 6:27 PM
15th January, Thursday, TODAY School ended early yet again. Ended at 11.30am. Farah, Seri, Dila, Akhbar and I went to visit Gary. Took bus 99 and walked a long distance to his house.
Visited him. & then made our way back home.
Dila and Akhbar went home while Seri, Farah and myself stop over at Jurong Point to eat at Long John Silver as we were VERY hungry. Heh! :D
Seri and Farah can really immitate some people's voice. & I was laughing my ass off with them. Kekek to the max OK! *shakebutts*
Then took 180 back home.
Ok, I'm hooked to watching Indonesia sinetron. Every night I'll be sitting in front of the tv from 8pm all the way till 11.30pm. HE HE HE! :p
Farah, I think my life is also a BORING one since I've stopped working. HA HA HA! :D Welcome me to your club NOW! LOL! :D
14th January, Wenesday
Yesterday school ended early, 2pm instead of 4pm because PR lesson was cancelled.
So Farah complains that she's leading a boring life these pass few days. As all she does is go to school and go home.
Farah is a very difficult person to asked out. I swear! *shakebutts* She would rather be going out with her family or BF instead. Heh!
& she told me that she has written down all the things and places she wants to go to fill up her ohh-so-BORING-life. Macam paham! :D
She said that she has written a long list of what she wants to do and where she wants to go to so that she won't be living in a BORING life. Heh!
GF,you can go out and write a longgggggggg list of them but I don't ever think you are going to even complete half of it. *shakebutts* Don't tell me that I'am NOT right hor~! I guess I know you too well already GF! *bluek*
So one of the places that she wants to go was Henderson Waves and since school ended early we decided to make a short trip there.

Seri was supposed to tag along but she was too lazy to go, giving the excuse that she was tired. At last she kinda regret NOT following us along. Padan muka kau~! Heh! *bluek* :D
When back home and got changed. Meet up with Farah at 5pm at HabourFront MRT station and proceed to Henderson Waves by foot. Reached Henderson Waves around 5.45pm. Yessss,it was a 45minutes walk up to there! We were all sweating by then!
So what did we girls did there?
What else if NOT cam-chore? HA HA HA! *shakebutts*

Then 3 monkeys had to spoil our cam-whore session. Idiot! Farah though I was NOT scared of monkeys. But you are WRONGED! I'am SCARED of those monkeys! :D
So Farah and I took our belongings and rush to a safer place. LOL! I almost wanted to just get lost from there. Takot woit,if those monkeys were to bite me. :p & I also almost left Farah behind. HA HA HA!
After that we head down to VivoCity by bus. While walking down the steps to the bus stop, a small young Malay boy came towards us and asked if he could have abit of my water. I was holding on to a bottle of water which was left abit. So I just gave him the whole bottle. Budak kecik, so it was OK kan. Heh!
Then the boy come towards us,
Nak pegi mana? (where are you going?)
Nak pegi Vivo City. (Vivo City)
Buat ape? (for what?)
Jalan-jalan je. (to walk-walk only)
Nak ikot boleh? (can i follow along?)
[I was just smilling and laughing in my heart]
The bus arrived and we board it without him. Nasib baik. :D But he waved and gave flying kisses while covering his face to us. LOL! HA HA HA! *shakebutts*
It was dam hilarious I tell you! And the funny part was that Farah boleh layankan pulak tu. Give flying kisses to him also. Kwang3! While I just waved back. :D
We then had dessert at Swensen. Delicious~

& so Farah, you can now STOP complaining that you are living a boring life hor GF! Just look for me when you are bored and I will try to entertain you and go to places that we have never been to.
We have been to Marina Barrage and Henderson Waves together, so where is our next destination?
KL in June? Australia in 2010? Set kape, GF? *shakebutts* :p
10th January, Saturday
Held at Seletar Dam, we celebrated Fiza's 19th Birthday. It was effing gerek to the max. With great food and company.

Ouhh boy, the birhday girl was tortured badly that night. HA HA HA! *shakebutts*

& her favourite word like FOREVER, 24/7hours, was : 'Ahh rambot aku. Sikat mane? I want my sikat!'. LOL! Kekek ahh babe lu! *bluek*

9th January, Friday
Meet up with the usual suspect at Mediacorp to catch Sinaran Hati'09. To support who else if not, Hyrul Anuar, kan. *wink*

Hyrulites was loud and crazy! Shouting like crazy till some had sore throat. :D

7th January, Wenesday
I got back from school and quickly got changed at meet up with Fiza, Wana and Wanie at Bras Basah's Mac Donalds. Helped out abit here and there. After that took bus to Vivo City and head down to St. James.

Fiza said that it was a short-circuit clubbing. All because I had school the following morning and my Dad have given me warning about coming back home after 1am. Heh!

Horny? :D