Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Saturday, January 03, 2009 @ 6:15 PM

I love to check people's wallet. I know that's a BAD habit. Heh! :D
Just a random thing which I like to do when I got nothing to do. Mostly will let me have a peek of what's in their wallet.
Just recenly I was checking and just taking a peek of what's in my guy friend's wallet and I was suprised to see that movie ticket which he and I watched a few months back. He still kept it. And guessed what? I also still have that movie ticket and it is kept also in my wallet as well. :)
What makes me more surprised and curious is that, that was the only movie ticket in his wallet. Don't tell me, he has not be watching any movie after that? I'm sure he has, so why is there only that movie ticket? *wondering*
I dont know, but I was just smiling all along. That made my night! *shakebutts* :p
I think I'm having a crush on you. A deep deep deep crush. *blushed* But I think we are better as friends because I know you are still waitting for that dream girl of yours.
You have been waitting for her since forever! Ok bedek (lie) lor, since along time ago for her to accept you. If she's smart enough she will defitnetly accept and say,YES! to you because you are truly one of a kind and very rare species of guys availabe in the world. Heh! :D
How I wish I was that girl. Kwang, Kwang,Kwang! Fat Hope!
Ouhh well, at least we are still friends than nothing hor. *wide smile*
I should have said your name instead of another crush of mine went Akhbar was being a fortune teller about my love life. Heh! *shakebutts*
Maybe there's still a chance for me. Heh! *langhing my ass off* But I'm still hoping for a miracle to happen. Ok fate hopes again, Shikin! Fairy-God-Mother do not exits in this reality world only in fairytales. *slap forehead* :D
"I wish, I wish, I wish with all my heart that my prince charming will appear in front of my eyes soon."