Greetings, alien from Saturn! You have stepped in the online abode of (Shikin M), which
houses her mindless musings and lovely rantings.
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
You're obviously permitted to have a look around, but of course, itchy fingers aren't entertained - so don't take what's not yours. ;)
Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 9:05 PM
It's a lazy Saturday for me today. I basically rot at home. YES,rot at home on a Saturday. Tsk,tsk,tsk. So just now went I woke up I sms-ed Farah. I wanted to have a picnic badly so that was what excatly I sms-ed her. Lets have a picnic since Monday and Tuesday is a holiday. Choose a date! :)
Followed by smsing the rest of the girls as well. Only Dila and Seri replied back while Tyra and Lis didnt. So it's going to be just the 4 of us. Farah, Dila, Seri and Me! We're having a picnic on Tuesday! YEAH!

Guess where we are having the picnic at? Guess,guess,guess? It was between Botanic Gardens and Marina Barrage. And the babes choose Marina Barrage. YEAH! *shakebutts*
It comes with a theme as well, Flower Power. Heh! :p Farah choose the theme. *wink* So we'll have to dress up in anything that has flower-printed on it. :)
Camera is a MUST! Because we girls are defitnetly going to cam-whore like there's NO tomorrow. LOL! So girls, please DO NOT forget to bring along your cameras! *wink*
I so can't wait for Tuesday! *flip hair*
Lets put the picnic aside, I went to NTUC twice just now. First trip there was to get some groceries for the picnic. While the second trip there was to get ice-cream. Yepp, chocolate mint ice-cream! *innocent smile* :)
No wonder I've gain weight. Especially since I'm not working any more and all I do is to sit at home and eat and eat nothing but chocolate mint flavoured stuff. Heh! *shakebutts*
As I'm blogging, I'm listening to Taufik Batisah's latest album now. Very upbeat I must say. Impressed and kinda hooked to it. Heh! :)
Talking about him, just that day Papa bump into him at the pump-minyak station. And as I heard that I was like;
"Ape Pa?,
Papa nampak Taufik?,
Taufik Batisah?,
Taufik Batisah ex-BF Kin tu?,
Papa nampak dia kat mane?,
Kenapa tak bilang/call Shikin?".
So many question right? HA HA HA! I was abit jakun lah. *shakebutts* Papa dah bumped into him quiet a few times already at the same place. Untill Papa pon tak tahu berapa banyak kali. Banyak sangat ahh tu. Hmmffpp! *fold arms*
So I told Papa that whenever he wants to pump minyak, he MUST ask and bring me along! Mana lah tahu dapat terserempak dengan Taufik Batisah ke. Heh! *innocent smile* :)

"Untukmu kasih, I'll be the very best."